Who are you?

Arun Kumar Dave
2 min readJun 13, 2019


In W.Shakespeare’s famous play Julius Caeser, it is mentioned that the people of Rome celebrated Caeser’s victory with a grand feast named Lupercal. They were also considered to be stupid because of their variably unstable behavior. When Marcus Brutus killed Caeser, who was also his best friend, came out to the public and explained why he had to kill him. And how he saved the city from Caeser’s ambitions of tyranny and despotism. Brutus wasn’t really a bad guy he just wanted good for the people. He was accepted by the people and was ready to be crowned the next king of Rome.

The next day, Mark Antony came to town, and on the deathbed of Ceaser, he gave a speech, explaining what all Caeser had done for the people. And he proved that Caeser never wanted to do any of the things Brutus said. He explained the good side of Julius Caeser in a wonderful way. It is considered to be one of the best political speeches ever made. People were convinced enough to raise anti-slogans for Brutus for killing their king.

Likewise, today, in accordance with our political scenario, some of us are Brutus and some of us are Antony, who only see one side of a story or a person. We as opinion-makers turn a blind eye to the full picture because we don’t want to see it and domineer our one-sided thoughts in everyone’s mind. But that’s still fine, what worries me is that, among us, who aren’t either of Brutus or Antony, are like the people of Rome, whose fickle mindedness goes from naming-a-king to calling-a-traitor the very same person, within a single day. We are manipulated so easily that we sway in any direction they take us. And it has become easy with the advanced technology to use fake news and the spread of misinformation as their deadliest weapon. They sow doubt about things that shouldn’t be in question.

Btw, Antony’s speech created such an impact that it triggered Civil war between Brutus and Antony along with Octavius Caeser which ended in catastrophe. Brutus died in the war, Octavius became the new king and a few years later Antony killed himself. The Roman people celebrated their new king Octavius with the same grand feast, Lupercal.

So, who are you?
Brutus? Antony?
Or worse, like the People of Rome?



Arun Kumar Dave
Arun Kumar Dave

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