An open letter to The Joker
Being mad is now the new normal, I believe.
We’re all clowns in our space, just that no-one brings it out. Maybe we all need that threshold to reach within us. We act like we’re civilized people, but then not a second goes by without pulling down each other and showing off our un-real side to this world. Just like The Joker, we are all intricate and complicated people. This character represents a theory about existence and the dark side of a part of us that we don’t acknowledge.
There have been heroes, and there have been villains. Later came the super-heroes, and then came you, the Super-Villain. One of the most badass villains anyone has ever seen on-screen. Off-screen, yeah, there are many.
We all see the movie, many enjoy the acting, but only a few understand the agony behind the character. The pain, deep misery, mental issues that you go through gives reason to all the evil you’ve done. That surely stays with even after the movie is over. While I don’t defend or glorify any of your horrific acts, I can understand the reasons behind them.
Your surreal character on screen, portrayed by some great artists like Heath Ledger, Jared Leto, and Joaquin Phoenix, is exceptional. One told us the story about how he got that scare and insisted he put a smile on us, the other told us to wear a mask and put on a happy face. Even with their insanity, the fact is that they’ve got a brilliant criminal mind. Heath, Joaquin, you guys are some world-class actors.
Dear Joaquin, you have absolutely nailed the character. I really had a doubt if someone could be as good as Heath Ledger, but you’ve come close and have given a serious competition. While that Oscar & standing ovation awaits you, here’s a bow from me, a true fan of yours.
Thank you, Heath, Joaquin, and TheJoker.
You will be admired and appreciated.